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Welcome to the AppTur affiliate program, if you are here you probably want to know more...

Let's start by defining what AppTur is

AppTur is a website/application (WebApp) for tourists that allows tourists to book tours, excursions, activities, vehicles and much more, it also includes an advertising service with text banners, graphic banners and dedicated pages.

You probably also want to know how to earn money with AppTur

savingsAppTur's sources of income are:

1) Percentage on tourist services booking
2) Advertising credits
(And you can create and sell the graphic design for the pages and banners)

AppTur shares 50% of the earnings with the affiliates.

You probably also want to know what you will have to do as an affiliate:

format_list_numbered1) AppTur affiliates take care of the initial recruitment of tourist services first.
2) Then, to make AppTur known to tourists (through local advertising, online, on social media, and with local events and promotions).
3) Local support and control of tourist services.

You will probably also want to know how much it costs to become an affiliate of AppTur:

attach_moneyThe affiliation is free, but...
The affiliate will have to take care of the development of their own area and the promotion of AppTur, so you will have to plan some investments.

You will probably also want to know which and how many areas you can manage as an affiliate:

not_listed_locationAppTur develops from city to city and does not impose limits on the cities that an affiliate can manage, but...
It requires that each city be developed and followed professionally and in the best possible way, so each affiliate must carefully evaluate what resources and investments they can have.
(A piece of advice? Start by developing the first, or the first cities, and then expand)

Ready to affiliate?

Other interesting info:

info- AppTur is natively developed in multilinguage and multicurrency.
- AppTur provides you with a statistics system, to evaluate how your work is going and how much you are earning.
- AppTur provides you with a QR Code generator, which allows you to track your advertising investments.
- AppTur will help you start your area with dedicated options and tools
(e.g. first months with halved commission to encourage tourist services to sign up, or lotteries with which to win gadgets to encourage tourists to use AppTur).
- AppTur will allow you to customize logo and headers for your city (if you wish).